3rd & 4th September 2025 in Düsseldorf

Expand your network and deepen your knowledge at the Controlling Summit

Use the Financial Industry Summit to expand your B2B network with valuable contacts and potential partners. Deepen your knowledge of the latest trends and strategies and hear groundbreaking innovations from renowned speakers.

As a leading trade fair and conference, the Summit offers you exclusive insights and the opportunity to speak directly with C-level decision-makers. Gain practical insights and best practices on key industry topics through inspiring presentations, exciting panel discussions and deep dives with leading experts and innovators.

Shape the future with us.

Get your tickets here & actively shape the future!

Why you should be there

Expand your network: Make valuable contacts, find potential cooperation partners or customers and expand your professional and personal network. 

Deepen your knowledge: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest discourses, strategies, trends and solutions in the field of sustainable innovation and transformation and learn from best practices.

Let yourself be inspired: Listen to top-class speakers and learn from industry leaders, innovators and renowned entrepreneurs in various formats.

Attendees Controlling Summit 2025

Here you can see an excerpt of the companies participating in the Controlling Summit 2024

Be part of an exciting journey into a new era!