3rd & 4th September 2025 in Düsseldorf

Marco Göbel

Marco Göbel

Marco Göbel


Since 2023, Marco Göbel is responsible for the controlling and accounting departments of
the investment holding company BeNEX, a key player in the German Local Public Passenger
Transportation (‘LPPT’) market who acts as an investor for train operating companies with
more than 2,100 Employees and 49 million covered rail kilometers. Before joining BeNEX,
Marco Göbel gained several years of experience in corporate finance, M&A, controlling and
accounting at an international insurance group, a single family office and a real estate
investment company. Marco Göbel studied business administration in Hamburg and holds an
Executive MBA in Mergers & Acquisitions from University of Münster.

Represented in the following tracks at the next Controlling Summit:

Marco Göbel and many more register for the Controlling Summit now!